<b>Makanan di Malaysia</b>: folio makanan tradisional di malaysia <b>...</b> - Blog Makanan di Malaysia |
- <b>Makanan di Malaysia</b>: folio makanan tradisional di malaysia <b>...</b>
- Temuduga Terbuka <b>di</b> Kementerian Kesihatan <b>Malaysia</b> (KKM) pada <b>...</b>
- Penjualan Produk <b>Makanan</b> Indonesia <b>di Malaysia</b> Melebihi Target <b>...</b>
- Mafi rancang bina Taman Kekal Pengeluaran <b>Makanan di</b> semua <b>...</b>
<b>Makanan di Malaysia</b>: folio makanan tradisional di malaysia <b>...</b> Posted: 03 Aug 2014 07:19 PM PDT Alfred Jabu flew out Sarawakians to dress up as grateful "rural folk" and parade at the IEA as people who had benefitted from SALCRA The prominent London-based free market 'think tank', the Institute of Economic Affairs, has been put in an embarrassing position over an apparent conflict of interest, thanks to remarks by Sarawak's Deputy Chief Minister, Alfred Jabu. Jabu, in a speech earlier this week, boasted about his "world-wide acknowledgement" by the Institute, thanks to being granted a platform in January, at the launch of a supposedly independent report on palm oil, commissioned by the IEA. Sarawak Report has now investigated the matter and uncovered compromising links between the on-going PR campaigns sponsored by the Malaysian Palm Oil Council and this IEA report. The report, entitled reflects the arguments of the MPOC and praises the Malaysian palm oil industry, claiming it "has a good record with regards to sustainability":
Massive deforestation – the reality of Sarawak's oil palm industry The author of the report, which clearly defies all the known evidence about this most rapidly deforested area on the planet, is a member of the Institute's own Editorial Board, Keith Boyfield, who told Sarawak Report that the entire report was commissioned by the IEA, which published it as a 'discussion paper'. Yet Boyfield, who operates his own consultancy, has enjoyed two recent trips to Sarawak, funded by none other than the Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC). Not only that, it turns out that Boyfield was accompanied on at least one of these occasions by senior staff of the IEA, including the chief operating officer, Glynn Brailsford, who also enjoyed the hospitality of the MOPC. And their chief host on these trips? None other than Boyfield's fellow panellist at the IEA event, Deputy Chief Minister Alfred Jabu, the Chairman of the controversial SALCRA (Sarawak Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority)! Keith's Malaysian Government host Alfred Jabu enjoying a platform at the IEA with the launch of its 'research paper' on palm oil Only natural! Boyfield has confirmed to Sarawak Report that his trip was funded by the Malaysian Government:
When informed that there have been a number of PR drives of this nature by the MPOC, Boyfield appeared to contradict the IEA's ethical guidelines, which bann government sponsorship and tied funding, saying:
He also confirmed he was hosted and escorted by SALCRA to their own plantations. SALCRA has forced thousands of native customary land owners into statutory 'joint ventures' with the state government to grow palm oil with highly controversial outcomes. The trip in April 2012 was variously described in Sarawak's government controlled media as a "press trip" (Borneo Post), a trip of "international experts" (Star) and as "a visit by an 8 member delegation of the IEA" (Sarawak Monitor) Hearing SALCRA's side of the story – but was this genuine or "tied" research? [The Star Archive] These visits and links to the Malaysian Palm Oil Council by the author of the report and "fellow" of the IEA clearly breech the purpose of the Institute's own "rock solid rules" against any "tied funding" to research or government sponsorship, as explained by a spokeswoman for the Institute this week:
Responding to our queries, the spokeswoman admitted that given the clear involvement of the MPOC and Jabu in Boyfield's research and the IEA's own compromising links, "it is a very complex and inter-twined matter". She added "I understand obviously that it may be the case that the conclusions in Keith's paper aren't necessarily a true reflection of how things are, and that may well be to do with a number of other factors, but in terms of the relations we have, we did not take any tied money". Posing as representatives of SALCRO "smallholders" at the IEA It is a weak position to take and the Institute's will have been further embarrassed by the fact that Jabu and the Malaysian Palm Oil Council have not hesitated to extract maximum positive PR from both the IEA visits to Borneo and the resulting return trip to London to launch the IEA's positive report on Malaysia's record. 'Native smallholders' flown to the UK To take advantage of the IEA event the MPOC flew over three "Sarawak smallholders" to join Alfred Jabu on stage. The MPOC named the trio on their promotional 'faces of palm oil' Facebook page, as Thomas Lamit, Rebecca Lambet and Briku Busang. All three dressed up in tribal costume for the evening, in order to present themselves to the British onlookers as delighted native beneficiaries of the SALCRA 'joint venture' programmes. Later, the same trio dressed in ordinary clothes, posed outside the Houses of Parliament to record a You Tube video, in which they took turns to condemn NGOs and to boast how they now have new homes and cars, thanks to oil palm and SALCRA. This video, entitled 'Human Faces of Palm Oil', was sponsored by SALCRA and the MPOC. In it the lead speaker claims, untruthfully, that "palm oil cultivation in Sarawak is done on land already cleared long ago, so there is no destruction of forest". Malaysian Government funded this "smallholder's" trip to the UK to attend the IEA event and produce promotional material on oil palm In the same video Rebecca Lambet describes her own family's rich new lifestyle, including multiple car ownership. These are circumstances that bear little relation to the reality of life for most dirt poor Dayaks living on SALCRA plantations. Furthermore, these PR friendly "smallholders'" are noticeably advanced English-speakers, considering they are supposed to be rural folk. Despite the IEA's attempt to distance themselves from "tied funding" these 'faces of palm oil' clearly had their trip funded by the Malaysian public. PR dividends for the Malaysian Oil Palm Industry It is therefore clear is that Keith Boyfeild and his IEA event have just provided the latest platform for yet another publicly funded publicity stunt by the Malaysian Palm Oil Council in their on-going 'greenwash campaign' promoting palm oil. And the MPOC generated publicity around Boyfield's Sarawak visits wholly undermines any attempts by the IEA to claim distance or objectivity for their research. Boyfield (3rd left) and Jabu on his 'press trip' in 2012. In the article he lavished praise on BN's record in Sarawak, saying it was time to "correct misperceptions in western countries" For example, during his MPOC funded visit in 2012, Boyfield was quoted extensively by the KTS-owned Borneo Post (below), who portrayed him as a senior international journalist, relentlessly praising the Sarawak state government and its record on logging, oil palm and the environment:
Boyfield's quoted opinions on these matters appear to have been furnished by his week long visit, hosted by SALCRA and being shown round SALCRA plantations by Alfred Jabu. They contradict widely known facts and betray a lack of genuine investigation on the ground. Indeed his own reports on Twitter at the time focused less on the conditions in dirt poor Dayak longhouses and more on his sponsored accommodation in the Taib family's Hilton Hotel! Report from the ground? – excited tweets from Boyfield about his luxury experience of Sarawak in Kuching's Hilton A bit of time in the interior of Sarawak would surely have informed Mr Boyfield a little better, because according more quotes in the Borneo Post, he then came out with the astonishing claim that the state's oil palm plantations were merely conversions from the traditional rubber plantations and that the virgin jungle remains intact!
Fact check for Keith Boyfield These remarks by Boyfield were repeated throughout the Sarawak media at the time and also later when the IEA report was produced. One widely disseminated article was entitled "British experts say criticisms from foreign NGOs on environment are exaggerated":
Great PR material for BN's cyber-bloggers To the contrary, we suggest it is time that Boyfield shook off the MOPC, took a more independent visit and checked his facts. Because, this expert of one week was soon engaging in public debates and making his ignorance plain – claiming for example that "property rights are pretty well respected in Malaysia" and that the concept of Land Grabs is too "emotive" and "nuanced" with respect to the oil palm debate. Academic tour or the usual tourist junket courtesy of the Sarawak government ? Mr Boyfield should contact Sarawak's expert native land rights lawyers, who have seen numerous court victories ignored by the state government and outfits like SALCRA, and think again. No immigrant workers? Boyfield has also claimed that during his 'academic visit' to Sarawak he observed that everyone he met working on oil palm plantations was a local person and not a migrant worker!
Mr Boyfield should contact any of the grassroots indigenous groups, who could tell him of the major problem with respect to the vast immigrant labour force in Sarawak and the uneconomic wages for local people, even on their own SALCRA "smallholdings", and then speak again. Great dividends from SALCRA? In yet another article, promoting his concept that the Malaysian Palm Oil Industry should be encouraged to expand into Africa for the benefit of the world poor, Boyfield even plays the SALCRA 'dividend game', ie spouting big figures without finishing the maths:
Given Boyfield himself acknowledges that there are around 22,000 SALCRA members, this sum in fact calculates over the 30 year period to about $200 a year per family, in return for the sacrifice of their rightful native lands and forests to the government controlled 'joint ventures', managed by Alfred Jabu. World's worst CEO? Ordinary shareholders have gained little from SALCRA – only BN cronies and himself have profited As everyone in Sarawak knows, the smallholders from SALCRA have received virtually nothing in return for the surrender of their lands and that Jabu's dividends have been paltry compared to the rich profits made by privately run oil palm ventures. Neither did these native customary rights land owners receive one ringgit from the huge sums raised out of logging the timber from their lands to make way for the SALCRA palm oil plantations (less than 5% of virgin forest remains in Sarawak – just another fact check for Mr Boyfield). Only government ministers, like Alfred Jabu and their cronies, have raked in hundreds of millions from the land grab policies of the State of Sarawak. The Dayak remain as poor as ever. Attacking NGOs MPOC was about to hire FBC Media, before SR exposed their illegal activities and closed them down But rather than check his facts and balance his arguments, this British consultant has chosen instead to adopt the Malaysian Palm Oil's obsession with attacking NGOs. In Malaysia free speech and independent opinion are treated like crimes by BN politicians, who find all criticism highly damaging, since they usually can't answer it. But, why should a British onlooker condemn legitimate concerns raised by NGOs in the same way? This week, when Jabu again went on the attack over native protests against Sarawak's latest dam building and 'industrialisation programme', the DCM as ever blamed "selfish foreign NGOs who are being paid" for "inciting" them. He revealed his own paid for PR in the process:
Sarawak Report will investigate Jabu's Belgium event. But, meanwhile why has Mr Boyfield has adopted the same anti-NGO line in his supportive articles for the MPOC?
FBC Media would have been proud of all this from Mr Boyfield – they were the last British champions for the MOPC and they adopted exactly the same theme in their which was later disowned by the BBC. But, when Ministers like Alfred Jabu start hurling unsubstantiated accusations about "paid NGOs", engaged by foreign powers to undermine Malaysia, someone should remind him about the millions of ringgit that are being wasted by the Malaysian Government itself on engaging this sort of blatant PR from consultants like Keith Boyfield. It is always public money wasted, because people like Boyfield always get rumbled. [Sarawak Report is still awaiting promise clarifications by the IEA, in response to our critique of its "complex and intertwined" relationship with the MOPC] Sign up to receive regular updates from Sarawak Report |
Temuduga Terbuka <b>di</b> Kementerian Kesihatan <b>Malaysia</b> (KKM) pada <b>...</b> Posted: 10 Aug 2014 10:50 PM PDT Sila kongsi info jawatan ini sekarang: Temuduga terbuka di Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) Ogos 2014. Permohonan adalah dipelawa dari Warganegara Malaysia yang berkelayakan untuk mengisi kekosongan jawatan sambilan di BAHAGIAN KESELAMATAN DAN KUALITI MAKANAN, KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA bagi jawatan seperti berikut:1. Pegawai Teknologi Makanan (Sambilan) Gred C41 - Gaji RM100.00/hari Deskripsi tugas: Cara permohonan, syarat-syarat dan lain-lain maklumat sila baca dan muat turun iklan seperti di bawah (format PDF): Muat turun iklan jawatan Pegawai Teknologi Makanan (Sambilan) disini Sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi: Sila kongsi info jawatan ini sekarang: |
Penjualan Produk <b>Makanan</b> Indonesia <b>di Malaysia</b> Melebihi Target <b>...</b> Posted: 02 Jul 2014 08:26 PM PDT (Berita Daerah – Nasional) Dalam pameran Malaysia International Food and Beverages (MIFB) 2014 yang ke-15, aneka produk makanan, minuman serta komoditi lainnya yang berasal dari Indonesia berhasil meraih transaksi yang besar mencapai angka Rp8,625 miliar. Atas Perdagangan KBRI Kuala Lumpur Fajarini Puntodewi di Kuala Lumpur, Rabu (2/7) lalu mengatakan jika nilai transaksi yang dihasilkan dari pameran kali ini melebihi target yang diharapkan. Pameran yang berlangsung pada tanggal 19-21 Juni 2014 tersebut oleh 400 exhibitor dan termasuk 26 exhibitor internasional yang berasal dari Tiongkok, Ekuador, Yunani, Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, Korea Selatan, Taiwan, Thailand dan Singapura. Pada pameran kali ini pavilion Indonesia dikoordinasikan oleh Bidang Perdagangan KBRI Kuala Lumpur. Didalam pameran itu pavilion KBRI menyewa 6 stan dan diisi oleh 18 perusahaan yang terdiri dari perusahaan besar, menengah dan kecil Indonesia. Produk-produk yang ditawarkan antara lain teh, kopi, coklat, minuman diet dan kesehatan, ikan kaleng, rendang serta produk makanan kecil lainnya khas Indonesia seperti bakpia, kue, makanan ringan dan bumbu instan. Dari produk makanan yang ditawarkan tersebut, Dewi mengungkapkan jika produk yang mempu meraih transaksi cukup besar antara lain produk teh, produk kakao, produk diet serta franchise ayam goreng. Produk yang dihasilkan oleh UKM Indonesia memang sangat diminati oleh asing sehingga produk yang dijual secara retail sangat laris hingga habis terjual. Selain dari Malaysia, permintaan terhadap produk makanan dan minuman asal Indonesia juga berasal dari beberapa negara lainnya seperti Bangladesh, Tunisia dan juga Hong Kong. Ini menunjukkan jika produk makanan dan minuman yang dihasilkan oleh UKM indonesia memiliki kualitas yang bagus serta memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan produk ekspor. Pasar untuk produk makanan dan minuman Indonesia di Malaysia memang tidak begitu besar, akan tetapi ini tetap menjadi peluang untuk terus dikembangkan karena memiliki potensi yang besar untuk dijadikan komoditas ekspor baik dengan tujuan negara Malaysia maupun pasar internasional lainnya. Malaysia sangat berminat terhadap produk seperti teh, kopi dan kakao dari Indonesia karena memiliki kualitas yang tinggi dan dinilai lebih rendah biaya transportasi pengirimannya jika dibandingkan dengan para pesaing dari negara Afrika. Ini dapat menjadi sebuah peluang yang baik bagi Indonesia terutama industri makanan dan minuman karena dapat bersaing serta meraih pasar regional demi memperkuat kedudukan Indonesia dalam menghadapi MEA. Produk makanan dan minuman halal Indonesia juga sangat diminati oleh negara Malaysia serta China. Malaysia memang berminat terhadap produk makanan dan minuman halal asal Indonesia karena penduduk Malaysia banyak yang menjadi pemeluk agama islam sehingga membutuhkan makanan dan minuman halal untuk dikonsumsi. Selain itu juga negara China yang berminat terhadap produk makanan dan minuman halal dari Indonesia karena memang China sedang gencar membangun industri halal untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penduduk muslim disana. Salah satu daerah yang banyak terdapat penduduk muslimnya di China adalah Provinsi Ningxia. Akbar Buwono/Regional Analyst at Vibiz Research/VM/BD Editor : Eni Ariyanti image: ant |
Mafi rancang bina Taman Kekal Pengeluaran <b>Makanan di</b> semua <b>...</b> Posted: 10 Jul 2014 09:13 AM PDT PUTATAN: Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Makanan (Mafi) bercadang membina Taman Kekal Pengeluaran Makanan (TKPM) di setiap daerah dalam usaha meningkatkan pengeluaran makanan di negeri ini. Bagaimanapun, disebabkan kekangan peruntukan, projek TKPM itu hanya dibina di enam kawasan sahaja pada peringkat permulaan yang mana melibatkan dua TPKM di Sandakan (TKPM Sungai Koyah dan TKPM Sungai Lokan); TKPM Tawau; TKPM Putatan; TKPM Masilou, Kundasang; dan TPKM Mandalipau, Papar. "Rancangan memang kalau boleh ingin bina TKPM di semua daerah sebab ini bukan untuk tanam sawit. Ini hanya untuk makanan seperti sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan," katanya ketika diminta mengulas mengenai usaha dilakukan Kerajaan Negeri bagi meningkatkan pengeluaran makanan di Sabah. Beliau berkata demikian selepas menyerahkan bantuan zakat kepada fakir, miskin dan mualaf bagi kawasan Putatan serta menyampaikan sumbangan kepada Masjid Nurul Ihsan Kampung Ketiau, di sini Rabu lalu. Untuk tahun ini, dua projek TKPM sedang dalam proses pembinaan iaitu di Putatan serta Kundasang. Projek TKPM Putatan ini terletak di Pusat Latihan Bersepadu Putatan dan ia melibatkan sejumlah RM2.3 juta bagi tujuan penyelidikan. Setakat ini, hanya TKPM Tawau sahaja yang sudah mula beroperasi. TKPM pertama di Sabah ini sudah mengeluarkan hasil pendapatan mencecah RM1 juta sejak beroperasi pada 2010. TKPM Tawau yang terletak di Batu 15, Jalan Apas itu dibina di atas tanah seluas 93.6 hektar. TKPM adalah satu daripada Program Berimpak Tinggi yang dilaksanakan di bawah Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, dengan matlamat untuk mewujudkan kawasan pengeluaran makanan kekal dan melahirkan usahawan tani di samping menggalakkan penglibatan sektor swasta dalam pengeluaran makanan. Kemudian ditanya mengenai pengeluaran beras di Sabah, Yahya berkata dalam Bajet 2013 lalu, Perdana Menteri telah mengumumkan penubuhan empat Kawasan Pembangunan Pertanian Bersepadu (IADA) termasuk di Kota Belud. Untuk projek di Kota Belud, kerja-kerja pembinaan sudah mula di lakukan. Malah satu bahagian khas diwujudkan bagi mentadbir jelapang padi di kawasan itu. Yahya dipetik berkata, penubuhan IADA adalah bagi memastikan pembangunan jelapang padi di kawasan berpotensi seluas 10,000 hektar akan lebih teurus. Katanya, melalui penaiktarafan infrastruktur pengairan dan saliran yang dilaksana dalam projek itu, ia bakal membolehkan penanaman padi dilakukan sebanyak dua kali setahun. Beliau berkata, matlamat projek bertujuan meningkatkan produktiviti padi daripada 27 peratus kepada 45 peratus dan bagi memenuhi Tahap Sara Diri (SSL) beras negeri menjelang tahun 2020. Terdahulu dalam majlis itu, Yahya menyerahkan bantuan zakat kepada 84 orang fakir, miskin dan Mualaf bagi kawasan Putatan sumbangan Pusat Zakat Sabah (PZS). Selain itu, beliau turut menyerahkan sumbangan satu unit alat penghawa dingin, dua gulung sejadah serta satu set sistem pembesar suara kepada Masjid Nurul Ihsan. Sementara itu, ketika ditanya mengenai jika ada laporan amil (pengutip zakat) yang tidak bertauliah di daerah itu, Ketua Amil Daerah Putatan/Penampang Lamsin Anggali berkata, setakat ini tiada laporan mengenai amil tidak bertauliah yang beroperasi di sini. Malah, amil yang tidak melakukan tugas dengan baik serta tidak amanah telah disingkirkan. |
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